Wednesday 26 March 2014

Widening My Reading Horizons

Hi Guys,
Today I wanted to talk a little bit about what I've been reading recently. A while ago, probably around 4 or 5 years ago. I used to read a lot of different stuff, I used to pull from adult fiction (mostly historical, but some contemporary as well), I used to read a lot of classics and some children's fiction as well as teen fiction.
Then I discovered YA, and I haven't looked back. I'll admit right off the bat that I adore YA fiction. It's what I write, and there are some amazing books out there. However, I've hardly been reading anything from other genres. Each month I'll set myself a goal of reading at least one adult, one YA, one classic, one item from my back burner shelf and one from my kindle. However, when I get to the end of the month and look back at what I actually read, a lot of the adult and classics get pushed aside, and replaced by YA.
For example, last month I read 10 books and out of them, 9 of them were YA fiction, and it's like that almost every month. Occasionally I'll read a classic (most often if it's for my Uni course) but my reading of adult fiction has pretty much disappeared recently.
I want to get back to a place where I'm reading a wider range of books, and so that is my top reading goal for this year. I want to read from more genres.
How about you? Do you find yourself neglecting genres you used to read and love? Do you wish you read a wider range? Or do you have any other reading goals for the year? Let me know in the comments.

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